Qn: Where can I download MyvPlus.app?

MyvPlus.app is available on Apple App Store, and Google Play store. Just search for “My vPlus” and follow the onscreen instructions to download.

Alternatively, type https://install.myvplus and download from the relevant app store.

You can also go to our website https://www.myvplus.app and either scan the QR code to download, or click on the relevant app store to download.

Qn: Is MyvPlus.app free?

Yes. MyvPlus.app is available free but in-app purchases may apply for certain premium/VIP features.

Qn: What mobile phones are supported by MyvPlus.app?

MyvPlus.app supports up to 5 generations from the current phone OS. This is to ensure that we are not limited with too obsolete technology that compromises security and performance.

For Android, we support mobile phones with Android 7 and above, which was released in Aug 2017 (approx. 5 years ago). For iOS, we support iphones with iOS 11 and above, which was released in Sep 2017.


Qn: Why do I need to key-in mobile number when registering for MyvPlus.app?

Upon registration, a One-Time-Password (OTP) will be sent to your given mobile number. This ensures that the mobile number genuinely belongs to you.

Qn: Why do I need to give Date of Birth during registration?

Date of Birth (DOB) is required to ensure that our search algorithms can match you accurately with desired matches. Your security and privacy is our primary concern, and your DOB will never be shared with anyone.

Qn: Why do I need to give profile picture during registration?

Your profile picture is required to ensure that matches can see you prior to linking up with you. This ensures a safer and better user experience to all.